The Healthy Game Master: Quit Sugar Challenge


How to Save vs. Sugar and Finally Quit Your Sugar Addiction

Let Me Help & Support You With My 30 Day Sugar Challenge

Last year I finally kicked the sugar habit after many failed starts. Monday after Monday I tried to stop eating this disease-causing substance. But I kept failing and diving for the cookies and soda. Khaaaaan!

Why did I want to defeat sugar? Because I wanted more energy (especially in the afternoons), to not feel worried about my health all the time, and to stop abusing myself with terrible eating habits.

Who's in control of this Game Master anyway?

I've got a day job in the Travel industry. I'm running two D&D 5E campaigns and playing in a third. Oh, and I've got this side gig you might have heard of called Roleplaying Tips. :)

I hate how sugar was casting Slow on me. It was literally like Feeblemind some days. It was also making me irritable. I was snapping at my players and co-workers, and knew that wasn't the real me being that way.

I realized I was always on edge after eating candy and soda, once the sugar high had worn off a few minutes later, leaving me feeling fatigued. Bleh.

The Key to Quitting Is...

One thing I learned when I quit smoking June 13, 1992, was to keep trying even if I was failing. I tried to quit smoking eight times (well technically I tried dozens of times, but I only count the times when I made it longer than a couple of hours, lol). And the eighth time was the charm. If I'd not tried to quit again after #7 I might still be smoking and poisoning myself today!

So after several failed attempts to level up my diet, I came across a consultant in September who helped people quit anything. I hired Diana to help me score a Critical Hit against my energy-killing sugar addiction.

My December Mistake

Through daily check-ins, deep insights into the quitting process, and having an accountability partner, within 30 days I was off the stuff and sugar-free in October and November 2016.

I also dropped 10 pounds without even trying. By changing just one dumb thing about my eating I magically lost weight. 


Then I intentionally took December off and allowed myself sugar to supposedly enjoy the holidays more.

What a difference consuming sugar makes! I now feel low-energy, irritable, and in "dis"-ease again. I feel fuzzy minded, fugly, and generally…I don't know how to describe it…icky

While the shortbread, chocolate hedgehogs, and ice cream were awesome for the tastebuds, they made me feel gross again.

Thanks to being sugar-free for months before, I knew exactly how awesome being healthy, happy, and energetic was. I could directly compare from recent memory and experience what before/after is like!

So I'm quitting sugar again. The same simple way as before.

It's just not worth living like this when I know how wonderful being off sugar felt, despite the sacrifice of my precious sweets.

Join the Healthy GM: Quit Sugar Program

You don't have to pay an expensive coach or consultant hundreds of dollars to get support on your personal Quest to sugar. Please allow me to help you. I am working Diana again to wean me off this terrible substance. And I'm going to share all her advice, techniques, and wisdom with you.

It's like an Anti-Sugar Kickstarter. Chip in a little and get all the benefits of a full sugar-relief program.

Each day for 30 days I'll send you an email with Diana's instructions, my tips, and most my experiences as I go off sugar. You will not be alone as we adventure together.

I've already quit sugar successfully, so I know the whole program. You will get Diana's wisdom and my tips combined so you get Advantage on your Save vs. Sugar roll.

I'll also invite you to my private, daily, accountability Facebook Group. We'll be friends there, and there will be no finger pointing or blaming. We'll both quit sugar together, with all its false starts, retries, and tiny incremental successes!

I know it seems odd I'd invest money into getting help quitting my sugar addiction. And I regret taking a break in December because now I'm starting all over again. In hindsight, the candy and baking was wonderful, but not worth feeling like this again. So it's totally worth it to me to invest again and get my health, energy, and happiness back.

Save vs. Sugar - What You Get

If you'd like to quit sugar too, and feel awesome and have bountiful energy and be healthy, I can offer you two awesome options.

Option 1: I can share you Diana's email and she can work out a custom quote with you for your own private Quit Sugar program like she's doing with me. She's done this for 12 years and has helped over 250 people quit their bad habits and addictions. She knows the secrets and the levers to pull to help you once and for all Save vs. Sugar.

Option 2: Join my 30 Day Challenge. You'll receive my daily emails with instructions, tips, and inspiration from both Diana and myself. You'll also be invited to my private Facebook Group where we can support each other and adventure together. You save a lot of money this way.

Instead of paying hundreds, you can kick your sugar addiction for a single one-time payment of $47.

Regardless of which option you choose, please invest in your health and well-being today.

My Critical Fumble Refund Guarantee

If you opt for my 30 Day Challenge, you have my Critical Fumble Guarantee. If within 30 days you want a refund, just email me and I will refund you with no hassles or questions asked.

This is about getting healthy and wise. It's not going to happen overnight. And I want you sugar-free and totally happy with your investment, or you can have your money back.

Regardless of which direction you take, I hope 2017 is full of health, energy, and happiness for you.

Have more fun at every game!

Enrol Now — Our Quest Begins Monday January 9, 2017.

It's time to feel full of wonderful energy and health-.

Let's quit sugar together.

I've done it before successfully, so I know exactly what I'm doing.

You'll be following my proven method to quitting sugar so you can be sugar-free too.

And you will also receive the wisdom and advice from my coach, Diana, who will be guiding me on this adventure again until I've made my saving throw.

Don't let another year go by feeling gross and ashamed that this powerfully addictive substance still has its evil grip on you.

Let me help. Please join my Quit Sugar Challenge.

  • You will receive daily emails from me full of advice, tips, and support.
  • You'll follow along with my proven method for kicking the sugar habit.
  • And you'll get membership into my private Facebook Group for quitting sugar.

You won't be alone in this adventure. We'll quest together. 

Click the I want this button above to join the program.

The Quit Sugar Challenge starts Monday, and I'm sending out tips and prep emails already, so don't delay.

This product is not currently for sale.
30 Day Sugar Challenge
My Proven Method For Quitting Sugar
Daily Guidance Emails From Me
Private Facebook Group Access
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The Healthy Game Master: Quit Sugar Challenge